Guy driving a car with blurred vision
Facing a DUI charge in North Carolina is frightening because at a minimum you could be spending at least 24 hours in jail and lose your right to operate a vehicle for up to 30 days. For those who have had a prior DUI, the penalties are more serious. This is worrisome because it prevents you from driving to work, school, or running errands.

What is even more concerning is being confronted by a law enforcement officer asking you to submit to an Intoxilyzer test. The refusal alone could mean your license will be suspended for up to one year. It is imperative you work with an attorney with criminal defense experience, specifically one who can fight back and protect your rights.

If you have been stopped and are facing a DUI charge in Davidson or Davie Counties in Lexington or Mocksville, North Carolina, contact Chad C. Freeman, Attorney at Law immediately. We can help you through the administrative hearing at the Department of Public Safety and help you in court as well.
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