Wills & Estates

Wills & Estates

family sitting at table
Having a plan in place to deal with your estate after your death is important. We can help you draft a will to ensure your assets are transferred in accordance with your wishes. We will take the time necessary to ensure we understand your financial situation, as well as factors which may impact your estate including previous marriages. We can draft a will that makes it clear who will be responsible for distribution of assets as well as provide for any special requests such as distributions to charity. Regardless of the size of your estate, it is important to have a will in place. Without a will, the courts will determine how any assets without a joint holder or named beneficiary are distributed. Having a will in place allows you, and your family to have peace of mind that your assets will be properly distributed.

Estate Administration

The loss of a loved one is always difficult and having to deal with administering their estate can cause a great deal of stress. You are not alone, we are here to assist you with the entire process. From the initial filing of your loved ones’ will with the court through the final tax filing, we can guide you every step of the way.

When you are ready to prepare a will, or if you need help with the probate process in North Carolina, contact Chad C. Freeman, Attorney at Law at is Lexington or Mocksville office for help.

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